Spiritual Direction is an invitation to intentionally remove yourself from the busyness of your life and dip into a pool of spacious reflection. Perhaps you yearn for connection to something greater, or are standing at a crossroad, seeking guidance. With no agenda to “fix” anything, we follow what arises and hold it with curiosity
and acceptance.
As a Spiritual Director, I witness your soul’s journey as you explore your connection with the Divine Mystery. I bring deep listening, discernment, kindness, and non-judgmental open-heartedness as a reverent companion to this process. We take time to notice how your life aligns with your spirit’s truest yearnings, regardless of your individual theology. Together, we narrate your life’s story over time.
Monthly sessions last for one hour, in person or by phone. In between the sessions, clients/directees often uncover new insights and experience shifts in their lives, reporting feelings of increased awareness and ease.
If you are interested or curious, please contact me to arrange for a complimentary 30-minute session.