In service toward uncovering the Sacred within, I accompany seekers as they explore how the Divine appears in their lives. I facilitate connections within and among diverse communities through Hebrew Chant, Spiritual Direction, Mussar-inspired teaching, and the creation of individualized rituals.
Spiritual Direction is an invitation to delve into the experience of ourselves as spiritual beings, deepening our intimacy with the Divine.
I currently teach classes on a variety of topics related to Judaism and as a facilitator, I create rituals marking a wide range of life events.
Chanting helps unleash Spirit and promotes vibrational alignment. Breathing into sounds, we engage our physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual realms, inviting in the possibility of transformation.
I am pleased to be hosting two chanting options per month.
Spiritual Director. Educator. Facilitator. Chant Leader.
Musings, Inspirations and Events
20 MARCH 2024/ 10 ADAR II 5784 Holding the pain and the joy at
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Chris Niswandee Smallsys INC , 79 Dragram Tuson , 88879 USA