The Omer period in the Jewish calendar are the 49 days between Passover and Shavuot. During this time, we have the opportunity to rectify deficiencies by focusing on balancing various attributes within ourselves. According to Kabbalah, each of the weeks we count represent one of the lower seven sefirot/Divine emanations. Each day of the week also represents one of the seven sefirot, thereby creating 49 different combinations of attributes. In addition, each sefirah has associated with it archetypes, colors, names for The Mystery, etc.

Traditionally, we count the Omer by reciting the prayer each evening and then announcing which day we are entering. In addition to doing this, I keep track of the days by using a special Omer Counter created by Marion Hamermesh. And, it has been my custom for the past 20 years or so, to dress according to the colors of the Omer. For example, according to the color scheme I use, the color for Chesed is purple, so I make an effort to wear something purple all week (not hard given my wardrobe!). Yesterday was the third day of the Omer, Tiferet sheh b’Chesed. The color for Tiferet is green, so yesterday I wore some green with my purple. I find this practice is an effective way for me to remember where I am in the calendar and which particular attributes I want to be focusing on for that day.

The Omer Sefirot Color Chart:

  • Chesed (Lovingkindness) – purple;
  • Gevurah (Strength, Discipline) – blue;
  • Tiferet (Beauty, Balance) – green;
  • Netzach (Endurance, Victory) – yellow;
  • Hod (Splendor, Surrender) – orange;
  • Yisod (Foundation, Connection) – red;
  • Malchut/Shechinah (Sovereignty, Divine Presence) – white.

The first week of the Omer is the week of Chesed/Lovingkindness. It is all about love, love, and more love as the basis for goodness in the world. Before creating the mandala below, I set an intention for chesed -in Hebrew חסד- to pour forth. Here is the result:

If you would like to download this image and color it on your own, please feel free to do so:

For more about Mandalas-

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